The Veteran Payment is an interim payment that people have receive while DVA assess your mental health claims under either DRCA or MRCA, and is a taxable payment dependant on your specific circumstances including relationship status, assets and income. The level of income and assets does not include your principal place of residence that you own.
If DVA approve your mental health claim, they will move you from the Veteran Payment onto the appropriate benefit or payment, and DVA will continue to pay the Veteran Payment for up to 42 days while this is taking place.
If DVA do not approve your mental health claim, they will assist you in applying for an appropriate Services Australia (Centrelink) support payment, and will continue to pay the Veteran Payment for up to 42 days during this time, you may receive the Veteran Payment until you have other means of financial support, even if this takes more than the 42 days.
To receive the Veteran Payment you must meet the following circumstances:
- Have lodged a claim for a mental health condition either under the DRCA or MRCA
- Can’t work more than 8 hours per week
- Are below age pension age on the day that you lodge the claim for the mental health condition
- Are an Australian resident
- Are in Australia when you lodge the claim for the mental health condition and,
- Are below the income and asset test thresholds.
You are unable to receive the Veteran Payment and Family Tax Benefit at the same time, and you cannot receive the Veteran Payment as well as the following payments at the same time;
- JobSeeker Payment
- ABSTUDY Scheme
- Incapacity Payments
- Disability Support Pension
- Service Pension
- War Widow/Widower’s Pension
Once the Veteran Payment has been approved, there is scope to be approved for other benefits including rent assistance and remote area allowance.
How to Apply
To apply for the Veteran Payment you will first need to have lodged an application for a mental health condition under the DRCA or MRCA.
DVA Form D9333 is the application for the Veteran Payment, and various supporting documentation is required, including:
- Medical Certificate stating you cannot work for more than 8 hours per week – a GP can provide this, and you have up to 4 weeks after DVA start the Veteran Payment to provide this.
- Proof of Identity
Important Notes
Whilst receiving the Veteran Payment you are required to keep DVA informed if specific circumstances change, as this can impact your rate of payment, and you must do this with 14 days, or 28 days if you receive the remote area allowance or reside overseas. You must inform DVA if;
- Your residential situation changes (such as moving house or rent increase / decrease)
- Your relationship status changes
- You move or travel overseas
- You receive the maximum rate of Veteran Payment and your income exceeds the income-free amount or your assets exceed the assets value limit, and
- You receive a reduced rate of Veteran Payment and your income or assets exceed the limits stated in DVA’s most recent correspondence to you about the Veteran Payment.